Dear Friends! Welcome to our Church of Praise Tronoh Branch's blog!
This is our first post and thank God we finally make it online! :)
Last Sunday, we had our first service for January 2010 semester. It was a great start and we believe God is going to bless us tremendously this year! amen? :)
Well, here are some pictures to share with you all. enjoy~
all were anticipating for the service
the worship team of the day, lead by brother Vinod. :) they look awesome eh? they are indeed. :)
the PA system handled by brother Henry. :D He is our technical man. hehe....
the service...during praise and worship.
everyone was praising and worshiping our great God. :)
Pastor Elijah giving the sermon of the day, theme: LOVE. :)
The sermon of the day basically talked about how important it is for us-brothers and sisters to support and encourage one another, to love one another as a body of Christ. Pastor also said, as a member of the church, the church doesn't need the support, but need the commitment of the church cause everyone is a part of the church body and we all play a role in the church. :)
well, that's all for now, stay tuned for the next even update! the Introduction Night Jan 2010. :)