Saturday, January 30, 2010

First Sunday Service In COP Tronoh Year 2010

Dear Friends! Welcome to our Church of Praise Tronoh Branch's blog!

This is our first post and thank God we finally make it online! :)

Last Sunday, we had our first service for January 2010 semester. It was a great start and we believe God is going to bless us tremendously this year! amen? :)

Well, here are some pictures to share with you all. enjoy~

all were anticipating for the service

the worship team of the day, lead by brother Vinod. :) they look awesome eh? they are indeed. :)

the PA system handled by brother Henry. :D He is our technical man. hehe....

the service...during praise and worship.

everyone was praising and worshiping our great God. :)

Pastor Elijah giving the sermon of the day, theme: LOVE. :)

The sermon of the day basically talked about how important it is for us-brothers and sisters to support and encourage one another, to love one another as a body of Christ. Pastor also said, as a member of the church, the church doesn't need the support, but need the commitment of the church cause everyone is a part of the church body and we all play a role in the church. :)

well, that's all for now, stay tuned for the next even update! the Introduction Night Jan 2010. :)


  1. Wow! Thank God for at last we came out with our church blog! Thanks Gabriel for initiating it..hehe..welcome people to church of praise, tronoh! First to land and visit..

  2. Wow.. COP Tronoh blog~ coolzzz.... GO GO GO!

  3. cool man.. keep it up for ppl like me far2away missing COP fellowship!!!
